GDR GPCR 2019 October 9 - 11


Welcome to the 8th GDR3545-GPCR international meeting

Registration deadline extended to September 12th

Registration fee includes admission to all scientific sessions, poster sessions, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners.

 Registered Students and Post-docs can also apply in order to participate to the HTRF Practical School or ESTEVE Workshop organized from October 7th to 9th 2019.
The number of available place is limited (priority for GDR members) and a specific application is required. Please visit the Practical School HTRF page and ESTEVE Workshop page for more information.

Accommodation in Montpellier: For GDR members, we have pre-reserved hotel rooms in the city center of Montpellier.
Two options are available: 2 nights for double room or 1 night for single room (the extra nights are at your charge). The choice of room needs to be filled when you complete the registration form.  

Cancelation policy: In case of cancelation by the registered participant, registration fees will only be refunded in the two following cases: you need a visa to enter in France and your visa request was refused by France, or for medical reasons (medical certificate by a medical doctor is required).

GDR- GPCR 2019 program


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